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2 responses to “Grit is the new Black

  1. Grit is experienced. Teachable? Maybe. Identifiable? Absolutely but we need to ask different questions. The type of question to ask is: “When have you pushed yourself well past your comfort zone even when (especially when?) the odds weren’t in your favor?”; and then, “How often?”; and “What don’t we see?”

    In a great discussion with students yesterday. We were discussing MOOCs. They’ve done good research. We compared five graphs and developed a narrative that connected each and guided our discussion. I asked: “How do you explain the white space?” (on a particular bar graph) and then, “What explains the disparities?” (for another data set). The thing is, the undocumented (literally and figuratively and meaningfully in each case) areas occupy the most space. The groups started talking about “motivation” (grit); “value” creation; and the skills involved or being demonstrated by the small percentage of people who complete MOOCs. In creating “something out of nothing” we get at sustainable value.

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